AR5002G AR5002X AR5004G AR5004X AR5005GS AR5213a AR5112 AR5212a AR2112 Atheros WIFI Wireless WLAN Card Drivers Software Download

Recommended for end-customers. Includes download options for driver-only and driver-with Atheros / Qualcomm software.
Device Model: Atheros / Qualcomm Series
- All of drivers are not support every model.
- What driver can support Atheros model? please refer this page.
- Atheros Bluetooth drivers download click here.
Version: Public
Atheros / Qualcomm Wireless WiFi Software is recommended for end-customers, including home users and business customers who do not need advanced IT Administrator tools.
How to Install:
- Download the file to a folder on your PC. Double click on the file to launch installation.
- Or Searing by device manager.
Operating Systems: (password : os-store)
- Windows 98 / 2000 (No support anymore)
- Windows XP 32-bit / 64-bit
- Windows Vista 32-bit / 64-bit
- Windows 7 32-bit / 64-bit
- Windows 8 32-bit / 64-bit
Driver Support by OS-STORE
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