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OS-STORE Recommend diigo soical networking

OS-STORE Recommend

Diigo is a multi-tool for
dramatically improve your workflow and productivity
easy and intuitive, yet versatile and  Much of our information consumption and research, whether at home or at work, has shifted online. We are now spending a big part of our day working with online information – reading and researching related to travel, health, shopping, career, hobbies, news, , smart investing, school papers, work projects, you name it.
Yet the workflow with information, from browsing, reading, researching, annotating, storing, organizing, remembering, collaborating, sharing, to connecting dots into knowledge, is still largely ad-hoc and inefficient. is here to streamline the and dramatically improve your productivity. Our users include law firms, agencies, consultants, recruiters, web designers, researchers, students, teachers …
— basically anyone who consume lots of online information, either individually or as a team.

OS-STORE Recommend