Reducing distance between electronic components is main method to increase the speed of CPU Processor

What is the limited size of the electronic components in CPU Processor? Currently, the popular and Powerful processors such as Intel CPU Processors are all commonly between 20 nm to 28 nm. Now, the minimum processers that are still under development state are in the size of 14 nm. This is on Intel CPU Processor and it could be used in desktop and notebook CPU.
What is Nano? Essentially, one set of Intel CPU processors are usually made of several layers in different materials. These layers and materials will be stacked in a special way to generate the electronic components such as transistors, resistors and capacitors. These electronic components can hardly see by naked eyes. These micro-electronic components are lying in a square grid and acts in the function of open and close button. The distance between each electronic component could be calculated by the diameter of nanometers. We all know that one nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. The smaller the distance between the electronic components in the Intel CPU Processor, the more components we are placed in the chip.
Nowadays, there are many methods which could be used for reducing the distance between electronic components in the chip. Decreasing the distance between electronic components will result in the declining of transistor terminal current capacity and this will enhance the exchange efficiency of these electronic components. Each transistor’s power consuming during electronic signals switching has directly relationship with the current capacity.
Overall speaking, the distance decreasing between these electrical components should be certainly the better way to enhance the speed of the Intel CPU processor or AMD CPU Processor. These small transistors require to be opened by low-voltage so they will need to be driven by low voltage. Theoretically, the Dynamic power loss is proportional with the square of the voltage. When people decrease the voltage that need to drive the current through the transistor, they will eventually reduce power consumption of the components and then the CPU processing rate will be more quickly.
By viewing the above information, people should have fully understanding about some basically principles for these CPU processors. Nowadays, the most widely applied CPU brands are Intel and the AMD.
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By the OS-STORE.