Your mobile phone screen broken? With this is afraid of the mobile phone broken screen.

Believe that many people had cell phone broken screen experience, mobile phone screen after, change the screen can produce very high cost, so that a lot of people in a mobile phone. Now has a broken screen, don’t have to worry about mobile phone broken screen.
Break the phone’s screen, which is a common problem of headache. As a result, many companies are working on research and development from display, which is famous of corning Gorilla (Gorilla) series, but want to launch a completely solve the problem of the display screen can be hard to easy.
However, the study has made great breakthrough recently. The us team at the university of Akron published a paper, said in the polymer surface layer and a transparent electrode with a layer of charged membrane, can significantly improve the toughness and elasticity of the polymer surface. The team manager Yu Zhu, said they carried out repeated bending test and the transparent electrode membrane peeling test.
Research team believes that the findings can replace or improve traditional display brittleness indium tin oxide coating, its cost is lower. According to the research, according to the transparent film to be bent after 1000 times, also can fully to keep its original shape and function. Due to the flexible, transparent electrode membrane can be low cost mass production.
Shatter-proof phone screen how, let’s wait and see.
This article from OS-STORE.