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Computer run slowly, may be your DRAM memory–Best Worldwide wholesale DRAM memory supplier

Through the bus addressable DRAM memory chips are CPU, and to read and write operations of parts. DRAM memory chips in the PC history as the expansion of the main memory. As computer hardware and technology constantly updated,DRAM memory chips has become a read/write memory as a whole. We usually say the size of the computer memory (RAM), which refers to the total capacity of memory chips.


The role of DRAM memory chips #
DRAM memory is a computer (PC and single chip microcomputer) essential part. Unlike dispensable CRT,DRAM memory is a bus way to read and write operations parts;DRAM memory is not merely ACTS as a data warehouse. Except the indispensable process in memory of a small amount of the , the procedure, we use software such as Windows, Linux system, including typing software, game software and other software applications, although all the large amounts of data, including the program code, such as tape, disc, VCD, mobile plates peripheral storage , but any data in the peripheral storage can only be actually used to DRAM memory.
Development #
Since Intel series and K6 processors AMD and related the mainboard chipset after launch, EDO DRAM memory no longer need to satisfy the performance, memory technologies must be thoroughly a innovation to meet the needs of a new generation of CPU , now began to enter into the age more classic SDRAM memory.
DDR SDRAM (Dual Date Rate SDRAM) referred to as “DDR, DDR SDRAM memory bank is” double Rate “means. DDR can be said to be the upgrade version of SDRAM, DDR in the falling edge rise along with the clock signal transmit data at a time, which makes traditional data of the DDR SDRAM twice. Because only use the falling edge of signal more, will not cause the increase of energy consumption. And for addressing and control signal is the same as the traditional SDRAM, only rising clock edge.
DDR2 SDRAM (Double Data Rate 2) is by JEDEC ( engineering joint committee) to develop the new generation of memory technology standard, it with the previous generation DDR memory technology standard of the biggest different is, although with is adopted in the clock up/down simultaneously the basic way of Data transmission, but the DDR2 memory has twice the lectures on the generation of DDR memory take ability (i.e., 4 bit Data read prefetch). DDR2 memory, in other words, each clock can read/write at a speed of 4 times the external bus data, and can be run at a speed of internal control bus 4 times.
More memory DDR, DDR3 DRAM than DDR2, DDR3 difference between low working voltage, from DDR2 fell to 1.5 V, 1.8 V better more save electricity; DDR2 bit 4 of the lookahead upgraded to a 8 bit to proofread. DDR3 top speed of 1600 MHZ can, because the most rapid DDR2 memory speed has increased at a speed of 800 MHZ to 800 MHZ /, so the first batch of DDR3 memory module will jump from 1333 MHZ. On display at Computex exhibition we see multiple memory manufacturer 1333 MHZ DDR3 module. DDR3 is the latest generation of memory, performance significantly better than that of the previous generation DDR2, now DDR4 memory already in development, estimates that can be mass production at once. Both are the bigger the better. But also not to say that the greater the performance is better, such as the 4 gb of memory to run the vast majority of applications and more than enough, for the large applications, in fact, 4 gb of memory and a larger 8 gb of memory or more basic actually no difference. The ascension of another memory frequency of memory performance will ascend to a certain extent, there are mostly in DDR3 1600 MHZ.It is important to note that a lot of motherboard does not support high frequency 1600 MHZ memory, such as a lot of low-priced H61 motherboard can only support up to 1333 MHZ of memory, that you installed when the need for a special look at the motherboard support, if you want to use high frequency memory, motherboard had better choose chipset is better, support high frequency memory motherboard. So everyone in memory chips of choose and buy at the same time want to combine the actual situation of your computer motherboard to choose the best product.
Recommend #

Best Worldwide wholesale DRAM memory supplier–OS-STORE (Worldwide Wholesale online).You can choose a best suited to your computer’s DRAM memory. Include: , Micron,Hynix, elpida, Nanya and Kingston etc well-known brands dram memory, we have more Server DRAM Memory, waiting for you to choose and buy.