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For details on why the Hard Disk Drive capacity is less than the nominal capacity

We always say that the system displays the of the  capacity and do not conform to the following detailed about:

In the windows system, the basic unit of data is a Byte, a Byte can store one letter or half Chinese characters, as 1Byte by 8bit , so the system in the binary system is also based on the binary system as a standard, so in windows

1KB=2^10 B=1024B
1MB=2^10 KB=1024KB
1GB=2^10 MB=1024MB
1TB=2^10 GB=1024GB

But the computing capacity Hard Disk  manufacturers are decimal standard, so the nominal Hard Disk Drive capacity

1KB=10^3 B=1000B
1MB=10^3 KB=1000KB
1GB=10^3 MB=1000MB
1TB=10^3 GB=1000GB

Your ‘s Hard Disk Drive nominal capacity is used in the calculation of the standard Hard Disk Drive manufacturers, due to the Hard Disk Drive manufacturer and system when calculating a standard Hard Disk Drive capacity using a different, resulting in a nominal capacity of the Hard Disk Drive in the operating system and Hard Disk Drive capacity display discrepancies.

For example, a Hard Disk Drive is nominally XG, then even in the case where there is no being used, as it appears in the operating system capacity only:

X×1000×1000×1000/(1024×1024×1024) ≈ X×0.931 G

So it is easy to calculate the nominal capacity of the hard disk capacity displayed in the windows


If the hard part of the space has been used for a specific purpose, then the operating system will display a capacity of less than X × 0.931G.

Equipped with a key recovery, Hard Disk Drive at the factory has been divided into a specific partition to store the disk image file and a key recovery program files, the specific value of the portion of hard disk space, depending on the computer model and operating system and different software and different. For security reasons, this partition only in the “Disk Management” to see, that is commonly referred to as the “hidden partition” or “service partition.” In addition, after the hard disk is partitioned or formatted, the system will take up some space on your hard disk to the system files.

For these reasons, you see the operating system is always less than the available hard disk space for a nominal capacity of computer hard disks.

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