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Starting the business of e-Commerce with US$2500, and after few years, the turnover is over five million USD


OS-Store was built in 2007. In that time, we lost in business than replanned start from scratch. We just used USD 2500 to start manage our e-commerce. Without any assistance, the website passed into ranking through several years strives and pullulate. The highest global record is no. 20000, and annual turnover up to US$ 5,000,000.

Though, the turnover is not a big numeral for . But we integrate the of past, we know how to use the least fund and resource to create multi results and ; how to let a company grown up fast and smoothly; and whole sales turnover will bring profit for each class companies or suppliers.

Now the website gather all-around commercial model. Not only suit for sale various kinds’ entity goods, but also combine travel, , service, software … intangible . The most especial is integrating reclaim rejected material. The purpose is reducing the waste, put away non-use items and achieves efficient resource recycling.

Now we are active to collect industry product information, strengthen sales and publicity. All of establishment, suppliers, person who concentrate on offer or service, need not worry any complicated trade process; international logistics transportation, transnational transaction exposure and currency settle accounts. The most important is needn’t bear any charges. Whole of the business transaction process will be finished by this website.

Is there any other fund or resource helping us in future? We don’t know. Tiny like us can only rely on ourselves gather our entire source. If only you have a mind of make , carve out, protect environment welcome been our member, than you are one of power for us. Use less money to do more things, shorten company’s grown up time. Now, we help authority use our way to success. This is promote environmental protection’ new commercial model make seller and buyer win-win. Now let’s fight the economy, protect environment and grow up together.

More news click here: OS-Blog

4 thoughts on “Starting the business of e-Commerce with US$2500, and after few years, the turnover is over five million USD

  1. Antonio says:

    The ability to think like that is always a joy to boehld

  2. Viki says:

    This atircle achieved exactly what I wanted it to achieve.

  3. Linda says:

    Holy sihznit, this is so cool thank you.

  4. Jouma says:

    ;for me, risk means there’s a slight poisibslity where things could go wrong, the project might not work out. designing a chair to be sat on is quite straight forward. it’s just a matter of a good or bad chair, but either way, it’ll still be a chair, so it’s a safe option. is that all? that easy?For me, I think there’s a slight poisibslity where things could go wrong for every projects is that all u take to convince yourself?U start with a very different topic, but what makes u think u’re taking a risk? I rather say that is a different approach to design.I mean no offence, but when i looked at some of your classmates’ works, they’re 200% of research, 120% of concept and 0% execution; a tie with a lock, a dolphin fin liked remote control; if I have to take a risk just to design something like this, why?

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